Friday, April 24, 2009

Book #7

The Duggars: 20 and Counting! by Michelle & Jim Bob Duggar

My mom loaned me this book because she said it had some homeschooling advice in it. I have to say that after reading this book I love the Duggars! I used to always say that I didn't like Kate Gosselin (of Jon & Kate Plus 8) but I could relate to her more than to Michelle Duggar. That is no longer true. The long skirts (the the 18 kids) threw me off, but I actually have way more in common, as far as beliefs, values, and principles go, with the Duggar's than I ever will with the Gosselin's. So I've switched allegiances, so to speak.

What I found to be most encouraging was the information they gave on how they raise their children, young & old, and their frugality. They actually live what I believe when it comes to having no debt. I mean, I firmly believe in living debt free, yet I'm willing to have a mortgage. They truly owe no one anything. That is admirable.

I think I'm going to read some books on staying at home/homeschooling next. One of Keith's friends from work has 8 kids and his wife homeschools them all. I gave her a call to talk to her about it and she loaned me a few books. I figure I better read them and get them back to her as quickly as possible.

One piece of really exciting news...Keith & I are going on a weekend getaway to Mackinac (sp?) Island this summer! My parents are going to watch the boys. We're staying at a bed and breakfast. It looks so quaint. I cannot wait!


West Michigan Quilter said...

Oh, what fun going on vacation. I hope you'll stop by GR. Love to see you. Of course I'd love to see those boys too. Thanks so much for the picture of Josiah. He is so cute. Really growing. Can't wait to give both those boys a hug. Home schooling....mmmm. I know a lot of people who do. I bet you'd be good at it. You have the patience! Love, Nana

Kelly said...

A weekend getaway! How exciting! That will be such a nice time for you and Keith. I know Josh and I need some time to ourselves, and I'm sure that will be harder to come by once our second is here.

You have to read "Close to Home" by Molly Sabourin. She homeschools (just started to this year) and though this book doesn't talk a ton about it, her perspective as a mom is very easy to relate to. I would also recommend "Shepherding a Child's Heart". Once again, not about homeschooling, but about raising your kids in a Christian manner. My aunt recommended it, and the line of thought set up is a great way to think about dealing with discipline and parenting.

We were in your area last weekend, checking on our unsold house. Unfortunately, we didn't have a lot of time, so we weren't able to see you. I thought about you though, and wished we could have gotten together.