Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Book #12

Just finished up Having Your Baby With a Nurse-Midwife. If you've already had a baby with a mdiwife, you need not read this book. It is best for women, and couples I guess, who are considering their options or wanting to learn more about midwives specifically. I'm definitely a fan of midwives, and if a first-time mother-to-be asked me for a tip the first thing I'd tell them is that if they're healthy they don't need an OB. They're much better of with a midwife.

Now I do believe I need a break from reading about childbirth. The plan is to read Writing From Home by Susan Richman next, and then I'm going to find a completely mindless and entertaining work of fiction. I'm actually thinking of reading He's Just Not That Into You. Yes, it was a movie. I never saw it, but the trailers looked cute. Then I found out it was a book and decided I would read the book someday.

By the way, I love our new pediatrician. It was such a different atmosphere from where we were before. Josiah received a clean bill of health once again, praise God.


Kelly said...

Ooo, I didn't know "He's not that into you was a book first". I'll have to look into it.

Sarah said...

You should look into the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer too...they were addicting...and totally pure pleasure reading. :-)