Monday, January 11, 2010

What a Week

So Elizabeth started doing this new thing where she refuses to nurse on my left side. Only, I didn't figure that out until last week. I would just try to feed here and she would scream and cry. I didn't understand. Last Tuesday was such a day. I couldn't get her to eat all afternoon. Tension was high. Then Isaac was whining about wanting something, I can't remember what, but I started singing the Rolling Stones' song "You Can't Always Get What You Want." I really thought I was just singing it to myself to keep from going crazy. I didn't think he was listening. Then about 15 min later my mom and I were talking and what do we hear in the background? Isaac in the living room singing "You Can't Always Get What You Want." Talk about a tension reliever!

Wed night I started vomiting and continued to do so all night. I tried to nurse Elizabeth at 4am when she woke up, but almost fainted. So I called my mom to come over in the morning and thankfully she stayed all day to help me. I don't know how I would've done it, because I couldn't stay out of bed for more than an hour. Keith came home and took over for her. Except about an hour or two after my mom left, while Keith was getting ready to give the boys their dinner, Isaac did a somersault out of his booster chair, landed flat on his face, and knocked his two front teeth loose. Lots of screaming on everyone's part, even Keith's. Lots of blood and panic. My nausea left me instantly as I scrambled to call my mother back over to watch Josiah and Elizabeth while we took Isaac to the dentist. Thankfully our dentist is an emergency dentist so he was able to see Isaac right away. X-rays looked good, the teeth weren't broken. Dentist said they would probably tighten up in a couple days (which I didn't know teeth could do) and if there was any damage to the roots they would likely turn black within months or a year. If that does happen we could have them pulled or have some kind of coating put on them. Gave us a script for an antibiotic. Told us to give him Tylenol or Motrin as needed. Soft diet. Home we went. Oh yeah, all this was happening as a blizzard was moving through too.

Fri am Keith decided to work from home due to the previous night's drama and the bad weather. Again, I am thankful because Isaac then began vomiting at 6:45am. So not only did he have a sore mouth to cope with, but also my stomach bug. He couldn't keep anything down all day long. Poor little guy. My dad came over to take care of Isaac and Josiah while I took Elizabeth to her hip ultrasound and appointment with her orthopedic doctor.

More bad news. The harness she's wearing for her hip dysplasia isn't helping much so far. Her ultrasound revealed that her hip is still sitting rather high in the socket and the socket is only formed at a 43 degree angle. It needs to be about a 60 degree angle. The treatment is to persist with the harness for now, but she can only wear it until she's 6 months old. After that she's too big. If her hip is not formed properly by then, she will be anesthetized, a dye will be injected into her hip, and an x-ray will be done to see if there is anything in the socket (ligaments, fatty tissue, etc.) that's preventing the hip from sitting in it correctly. If something is found, she will have surgery, and then be placed in a body cast that will immobilize her. If nothing is found in the socket, she will still be placed in a body cast that will immobilize her. Neither of these are good options so we are earnestly praying for divine healing. If it comes to surgery Keith and I will likely get a second opinion.

Ok so that was last Fri. Not much happened Saturday that I can remember. Sunday we went to church and were lucky enough to go out on a date. My mom, bless her heart, watched the kids for us again. We went to Taipei Tokyo for sushi, dumplings, and chinese chicken and vegetables. Yum. Oh yeah, on our way out the door Josiah fell down the steps. I'm tempted to say, "What else can go wrong?" but I know better. Things could always be much much worse. Josiah really only fell down a few steps and nothing was hurt but his pride. Keith was there to catch him before he fell to the bottom. Also, Josiah pretty much falls down steps on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Here's to a better week!


West Michigan Quilter said...

OMG, you poor thing. I can't imagine what you must be going through. Poor Issac, hope he's going to be OK. Wish I were closer to help. You are so lucky to have your parents close by. Take care and stay warm.

Denise Bryant said...

So sorry that Elizabeth may need further work on her hips. :( I'm praying for her, no one wants to see their baby have surgery, much less being in a full body cast. God can heal her!!

Definitely poor Isaac. I get goose bumps thinking about him falling off his chair - yikes. Kids are so resilient, it does make sense that his teeth will firm back up.

Here's to a better week!

Kelly said...

We'll be praying for you. Crazy, crazy... Call if you need a chat. And remember this too shall pass. That's helped me loads.