Sunday, January 30, 2011

Glad We Don't Have Cable

Yesterday I made a big turkey dinner with all the fixins: stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, etc. Since it was an 18.5lb. turkey I invited my parents over for dinner. (Still have LOTS of leftovers!) Afterwards, while I was doing the dishes, I got to enjoy one of the greatest sounds on earth: laughter coming from the family room. Keith, Isaac, and Josiah were playing with the balloon-powered vehicle set Isaac had received for his birthday. They were making big hot dog shaped balloons and letting them go. They made a really loud noise as they flew around the room. They made balloon-powered helicopters and cars too. Watching Isaac and Josiah squeal with delight made my parents laugh too. It was really a pleasant evening. My family was interacting and enjoying one another's company.

Now, if we had cable, as soon as dinner was over someone would've turned on the TV, and everyone would've sat in a semi-catatonic state on the couch watching something completely mindless that wouldn't add anything to their lives. Rather it would steal 30 minutes from them that they could never get back.

This is part of the vision I have for my family. This is why we don't have cable. We can interact, converse with one another, and enjoy being with each other. Sure, I miss some of those The Universe shows Keith used to like watching on SciFi or History channel. I definitely miss Stargate Universe. But you know what? We can catch those on DVD when the seasons are over, on our own schedule in our own free time after the kids go to bed. We've now been without cable for, I don't know, at least 6 or 8 months. Do I regret our decision? No, and I never have. After last night, I'm more glad than ever we don't have it.

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