Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 New Year's Resolutions

I would like to begin by saying the only New Year's resolution I ever kept was back when I was about 18 or 19 years old. I resolved to stop at every stop sign that year, and I did. That's the ONLY resolution I ever kept.

Now, let's get this show on the road!
  1. Complete Isaac and Josiah's 1st year scrapbooks.
  2. Read at least two books per month, ideally one non-fiction and one fiction. Non-fiction topics I'm interested in include vaccines, owning rental property, homeschooling, and generally reading about uplifting/inspiring people. I've begun with The Diary of Anne Frank. I must also begin a continuing education course entitled Environmental Nutrition. My fiction selection for the month will most likely be For One More Day by Mitch Albom.
  3. Learn Spanish.
  4. Lose weight, of course. Had to throw that one in there.
  5. Develop and implement a house cleaning schedule. It's the only way I'll learn to get it done on a consistent basis.
  6. Go through Cleansing Streams at church. I should also join the dance team at church too before I get pregnant again. If I don't do it now, who knows when I will.

That's all I can think of for myself right now.

Maggie's resolution is to stop chasing after other dogs, cats, and bunnies, with special emphasis on not chasing the next door neighbors' cats off of their own back porch. This should be pretty simple for her as she's now kept on a chain at all times when I let her outside.

Isaac's main New Year's resolution is to stop pooping his pants and become fully potty-trained. He also plans to master subjects such as shapes, colors, numbers, letters, drawing, coloring, and singing songs. I can't even begin to imagine what a bigger boy he's going to be at this time next year, when we're welcoming 2010!

Josiah has many resolutions. First and foremost, he resolves to stop doing his scream-for-an-hour-or-two thing at 5am every morning. He also plans to learn walking, drinking from sippy cups, self-feeding finger foods, and words like mommy, daddy, and Maggie. In sum, he will graduate from a baby to a toddler this year. He, too, will be such a bigger boy one year from now!

I don't know about Keith. You'll have to ask him to do a blog and see if he has any resolutions.

Here's to 2009! May it be blessed with peace, health, prosperity, and an ever-growing relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ! My prayer for us all is that He would manifest Himself to us this year as never before, and continue to draw our hearts nearer to His.


Denise Bryant said...

Thanks for sharing your resolutions, what good ones you picked. I felt that since today was kind of still a holiday, I didn't need to start any today but I'd better think of some tonight because tomorrow is indeed the real start of 2009...

Kelly said...

Great resolutions! I especially enjoyed hearing Maggie's and the kids! It is amazing to think what changes will be taking place with little Madi over the course of this year--she'll have a new sibling, transfer to a big girl bed, and hopefully, be potty trained. Sounds like a ton!

As for yours, here's a non-fiction book for you (it's excellent): Father Arseny.

Hope you had a Happy New Year!

West Michigan Quilter said...

Love your resolutions. You are so into nutrition that I was wondering about helping me keep my resolution - eat better healthy food. How about adding some recipes or food suggestions to your blog. I trust you to tell me what is best.