Monday, January 26, 2009

Very Long Time, No Blog

I'm already in jeopardy of not reaching my two book per month goal. This Environmental Nutrition course is taking longer that I expected. While it is very interesting, it's not exactly the kind of book you can't put down. Ya know? Neither have I had time to make any more progress in the boys' scrapbooks or begin learning Spanish. Much of this is due to having Isaac's birthday party last weekend. On a positive note, the house is rather clean! It's a little ironic that you clean your house before company comes over, only to have to clean it again after they trash it and leave! Oh well.

Isaac is singing songs like it's nobody's business! He's getting really good at Happy Birthday, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the ABC's! The ABC's he started all on his own without any prompting. It's really cute! He loved his birthday party. I made him an Elmo cake, and got him some baloons: one big Elmo, one big Cookie Monster, and a couple happy birthday baloons with Sesame Street characters. Keith & I bought him glow-in-the-dark stars and planets for his ceiling, a Thomas the Train nightlight, and some little, regular (not sippy), plastic cups for him to start practicing with.

Josiah is doing great. He's becoming quite good sleeper. He went through a bad spell there where he wouldn't nap or sleep at night, but I think that was because he never has less that 3 teeth coming in at one time. He's turned into such a pleasant baby. He still doesn't like drinking bottles but he loves eating food!

I know that was a very short update, but I'm meeting a friend for lunch & trying to get some laundry done before I go! If I remember to later I'll post some pics from Isaac's birthday.


Kelly said...

Happy Belated Birthday Isaac! I'm glad the party went well! And I'm glad that Josiah is becoming more of a pleasant baby. Madi had that happen too as she got older. I think they just outgrow their tummy troubles, and then it's like a different kid. Glad for the update! Oh, and count the Nutrition book as a book read!

Sarah said...

I'm glad Isaac had a good birthday party! How does he like those glow-in-the-dark stars? Those are always winners!

Liam hasn't been sleeping well through the night lately...maybe he has some teeth about to pop through. I'm glad Josiah is doing better, that's wonderful!

Wouldn't it be nice to have an extra 2 hours at least each day, all to yourself to read or scrapbook or take a shower?? Sigh...that would be heaven.

Kelly said...

Everything going okay there? I miss your blogs!