Monday, October 26, 2009

My Birth Story-Before I Forget

On Monday October 12 I had contractions about every 10min. apart all day long, beginning around 10am and never really stopping. They never picked up in intensity or frequency though, even though I did all of my laundry, aerobics, and rotated some toys from the downstairs to the upstairs and vice versa, and I had a lot of false labor in the weeks leading up to this, so I just made a mental note and figured I'd be talking about it with my midwife in two days when I went back for my next prenatal visit. I showered and got into bed around 10:30pm.

I was awakened by much stronger contractions at around 11:30pm. Keith heard me breathing through them, so he woke up too and I labored in bed with him for about an hour. He was great. He prayed with me and sang Amazing Grace to me. I then decided we'd best wake my parents up as my dad was going to stay with the boys. Keith made the call while I went to the bathroom. While in the bathroom my contractions went from 8 min apart to 3 min apart. I had difficulty calling the midwife as I couldn't exactly talk very well during a contraction. Thankfully my parents arrived quickly. Keith did a great job gathering all of my stuff for the hospital. He even put my shoes on for me. I climbed in the back of my mom's van and we were off! Not really sure what time it was at that point, but I'm guessing about 1:30am.

Because it was the middle of the night there was no traffic, and we got all green lights. I only know this because the van pretty much never stopped. I was facing backwards in the very back seat of the van, looking down the whole time, breathing and groaning through the longest and strongest contractions. I do remember telling myself not to panic, that this was normal and natural. I also remembered reading that it's more helpful to let out deep, low-pitched groans than high-pitched shrieks. Hence the groaning. I also recalled one verse that's always so inspirational to me. It's 1 Corinthians 9:24. "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win."

We arrived at Forbes ER and I must admit, it was the best service I'd ever received in any ER anywhere. They wanted absolutely nothing to do with me! So they called a nurse from labor and delivery right away. At this point I could barely stand, and I was still groaning and breathing through contractions that seemed to have no end or beginning. They all ran into one another. I got into a wheelchair, but couldn't sit. I was kind of kneeling sideways, but bracing myself on one of the footrests so I wouldn't fall out when they wheeled me up. I don't know what time it was, I'm guessing around 2am.

They had a nice new LDRP suite ready for me right away. I never looked up at anyone's face. I just stripped and got up on the bed, still kneeling. The midwife wasn't there yet, so the nurse checked me and I was complete, but my water hadn't broken yet. Because the midwife hadn't arrived yet they didn't want me to push, but I had to. Luckily she arrived about 5min. later, broke my water, and we were ready to go! I tried pushing on all four's, but didn't really like it. So I did flip over onto my back to push. At this point, the contractions weren't so bad, but I was surprised (I don't know why) at how much it did hurt to push her out. That really stings!

I don't know how many times I had to push, but I think it was only about 15min. or so. Then baby Elizabeth was born at 2:44am! She was delivered by Gretchen Cohen. She weighed 6lb. 13oz. and was 20in. long. She looked, and still looks, very much like Isaac. She's also the first baby that seemed to recognize my voice as soon as she was placed on my chest. She seemed to calm down when I talked to her. Her full name is Elizabeth Marion Victoria Drudy because we couldn't narrow it down to just one middle name. Well, I think Keith could have, but I couldn't. Marion is my middle name and my grandmother's (maternal) first name. Victoria is Keith's mom's name. And actually I got the idea to name my daughter Elizabeth from the heroine in Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennett, not from the Elizabeth of the Bible, even though my boys have Biblical names.

Our hospital stay was very nice. We did want to go home a day early, but Elizabeth was jaundiced. We actually had to be readmitted a day after going home so she could go under the bilirubin lights. I would definitely recommend Forbes for labor and delivery. The suites were spacious and homey, the nursing and housekeeping staff were so very friendly and helpful. The food wasn't terrible after I emptied my salt packet onto it, but who goes to the hospital to eat, ya know? Everything was great there.

So I finally got my natural childbirth! Not that I really had any choice. It was definitely too late for anything. I will say though that Keith mentioned to the nurse that I had intended to go without any drugs or IV's and I did confirm that to the nurse that I didn't want anything. So I didn't even try to get out of the pain! I will say to all of my friends that went without epidurals all along that if for any reason they ever did get an epidural, they will be AMAZED at the difference! You barely feel a thing with an epidural, and you feel EVERYTHING without. However, though Keith and I are not planning on having any more children, if I do get pregnant again in the future, I would go with a natural childbirth again. I prefer laboring mostly at home, and it was great not being hooked up to any IV's or anything. The pain is stupendous, but it's only temporary and quickly forgotten.

Elizabeth will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. As of last Thursday she was up to 7lb. 8oz. already. She's nursing like a champ. She does ok at night too. She definitely wakes up to eat, but she sleeps in between which is nice. The boys are doing great with everything too. They actually seem to like Elizabeth, which I was very pleased with! I was nervous about that. They haven't acted jealous at all so far, and they're as cute as ever!

I also want to say...what would we do without our family? I don't know what we would've done without my parents nearby to take care of the boys. Keith's mom and sister came to town as well the weekend Elizabeth had to be readmitted. What a blessing. And we've received so many gifts and meals and well-wishes from so many people. It's wonderful!


Kelly said...

Thank you sooo much for posting your story! I've been waiting and checking in anticipation! It sounds like you had a wonderful experience, and I am glad that you got to experience a natural childbirth. It was neat to hear the differences for natural vs. epideral, as I've never experienced one with an epideral. So thank you for sharing that!

I hope you continue to do well! And I'd love to see some pictures when you get a chance. Congratulations again!

Sarah said...

Loved reading your story, Meg! And I knew (GUESSED!) that you were naming her after Elizabeth Bennett...I had to laugh when I read it and knew for sure. That's P&P ever so much...

Liam had a lot of hers going away now? His took a month or was crazy.

I'm glad you had a great exp at Forbes! I can't wait to see your little girl! Hope things are going well...we'd love to see you all soon!