Thursday, December 31, 2009

Final Blog for 2009-Stream of Consciousness Style

Today the screaming and crying on Josiah & Elizabeth's part, and the disobedience on Isaac's part, made me want to lock them in a padded room, put my New Balance on and run far, far away.

All in the same day I can feel like running away, crying for joy, crying for help, despairing, the elation of a tender moment of brotherly love when Isaac hugs Josiah good morning and then comes over to kiss Elizabeth and tell her he loves her, the frustration of having to "put out fires" all day long to keep the kids from melting down, and the sweetness of watching them sleep peacefully each and every night when I check on them before going to bed myself. Ah, the beauty of motherhood. That's what it's like when you have 3 under 3.

One thing that gives me total satisfaction is that after Keith returned from a two-week trip to China for the second time just before Christmas, my mother told him that she has a new respect for me. My kids stress her out.

On a positive note, this has been the best visit to Grand Rapids we've ever made. Because we've been here for the entire week, there was no rush to run around and fit all of our visits in. I truly wish that Keith and I were from the same town, so that all of our family were in the same place. I really wish we saw more of Keith's family. I really want my kids to know them. I don't just mean Keith's mom, dad, and Nana's, I mean aunts, uncles, and cousins too. Everyone.

It's been so long since I've blogged, will anyone even read this? Is anyone even following my blog anymore?

As usual, I haven't met a single New Year's resolution for 2009. One of them was to lose weight. I'm not making excuses, but I did get pregnant and just give birth 2 1/2 months ago. Another was to read at least 2 books a month. Again, I was doing quite well with that one until Elizabeth was born. I'm still in the middle of a book called Floods Upon the Dry Grounds. It isn't that it's not a good book. I literally get no time to read at all. I have almost finished the December issue of (How to Be a Bad) Parents magazine, however. I remember one of my resolutions being to come up with a house cleaning schedule. Yeah, right. Also, to get caught up on my kids' scrapbooks. Whatev.

Resolutions for 2010? I will carry over the resolutions to get in shape and read an average of 2 books per month. Why? Because my weight has reached an all-time high while my fitness level has reached an all-time low. Also because I love reading and I believe that it's important to read to learn new things. I will always strive to keep a clean house-no need for a resolution there. I am giving up on scrapbooking temporarily though. My friends who scrap are just now doing their 6-year-old's baby books. I'm letting go of that one.

What else can I say besides I love my husband, I love my kids, I love being a stay-at-home-mom and a housewife, and I'll never give up on being the absolute best mom and wife there is in the whole wide world.


Anonymous said...

So...... Mom! I pooped!!!!

Mommy Meg said...

Thank you Keith.

Kelly said...

Megan! I still check your blog! And I must say that I totally relate! I too have given up on scrapbooking--I packed it all away so that it doesn't depress me to see it. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I knew that had to go. My house also is a mess! How do you keep up with the kids taking toys out? And when all of your "free" time is spent trying to catch up on much needed sleep, how do you get anything done? I hear you loud and clear, and my third one isn't even born yet.

My goal was also to lose weight--HA! Oh, if I lived closer, I'd be over so often to compare notes and know that I am not the only fumbling, exhausted, time-starved mom.

So may I request another resolution from you? Keep blogging. I don't mind if it is infrequent or random. I'll keep checking and reading. It is just so nice to hear of someone else out there living (and surviving) with 3 under 3.

Denise Bryant said...

I enjoy reading your blog so much. May 2010 be quite the year for you!

Mommy Meg said...

I think I will make keeping up my blog another resolution for 2010. I do enjoy it, and it is a nice way to keep up with some friends and let everyone out there know where you are in life! Thanks Kelly! Thanks Denise!

Sarah said...

I still check your blog. :-) And love it. You're a great mom and the fact you accomplish all you can with 3 under 3 is awesome. My opinion is that moms should get all the exercise they need from watching their kiddos...and by that I mean, feel strong and look like a Fitness model. ;-) If only that were true! How can we find time to work out? I've tried yoga and Gillian Michael DVDs at home, but it's sort of difficult with monkeys hanging off your arms and legs and then jumping on you when you lie down to do ab work. Sigh. I guess join a good gym with childcare!

Anyways, here's to a good and pregnantless (since you asked!) 2010... ;-)