Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Isaac's First Composition

My firstborn, Isaac, just composed his first story. He recited it to me, & I'm just now recording it. Here it goes!

When I went shopping I met a friendly name named Mommy.
When I went to the grocery store I met a friendly name named Daddy.
When I went to the store I met a friendly name named Mommy.

I like how he put Keith at the grocery store, where all the food is, and not me!

I love my kids.

The irony is Monday was one of those days I threatened to put them in daycare and go back to work! I'd never do it. That's just one of my sayings for when I'm having a really bad day with them.


Kelly said...

So cute!

Tuesday was my day for threatening. :)

West Michigan Quilter said...
