Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well, I guess I can blog about it, since almost everyone knows. I am pregnant again! Yes, this is the 3rd pregnancy in less than 3 years. Yes, this October I will have 3 children under the age of 3. Yes, this was a surprise. Yes, we were planning on having more children, but wanted to wait until Josiah was 2. Guess it's not up to us!

No, I am not certain of my due date, or how far along I am, because I was messed up on birth control pills. No, I have not seen a doctor or midwife yet, & I've never announced a pregnancy without first seeing someone, but because I have some pretty serious morning sickness going on I am confident this little baby is well implanted in there! Finally, no, I will not be finding out the sex of this child. I have always wanted to be surprised, & this may very well be my last pregnancy. (Again, who am I kidding? As if it's really up to me when I get pregnant & how often! It's obviously not!)

So that is that. As I said, I am definately experiencing the morning sickness. I just have to focus on keeping myself hydrated & nibbling constantly to make it through the day. I ought to be a pro at this by now! One thing that is different, however, is there will be no Zofran this time to alleviate the morning sickness. We changed insurance this year going with the low monthly payment, high-deductible plan, thinking we would not be having a baby this year. Therefore, I would have to pay full-price for the Zofran, & it is in the $100's. Maybe $200-$400. I am trying to keep other women in mind who experienced morning sickness but took nothing for it to strengthen me, like my friend Sarah, cousin Kimmie, and my sister of course.

I do not care if it is a boy or girl. I just pray for a healthy child. I am already in boy mode, so another boy would be great. On the other hand, it would be an honor to learn how to raise a little girl as well. We shall see in October.

Switching gears quite drastically, I had a revelation while listening to Third Day's Show Me Your Glory. I absolutely love that song. It brings tears to my eyes. And to think, I never even heard of Third Day until I met Keith. I had very little exposure to Christian music until I met Keith. My parents are wonderful, generous, fun-loving, church-going Christians, but growing up it was kind of like "you go to church on Sundays & forget about it for the rest of the week." And we never went to church as a family. My dad is Catholic, my mom is Lutheran, and that's the way it goes to this day. I was raised Lutheran, so i was baptized as an infant, did the whole first communion and confirmation thing. There was NEVER any Bible reading at home, individual prayer only, & in such a way as to not let anyone else know what you were doing, as if it was an embarassment.

Anyway, back to the song...this past summer when I read about Moses going up to the mountain to meet with God, I realized this story is what the song is based on. I found it bold the way Moses said to God, "Now show me your glory" as though he were giving God a command. Maybe I'm misinterpreting. In any case, it was powerful. This past summer I was also struggling with learning how to handle an 18month old and a newborn-I know, I still haven't learned my lesson-and I told Keith that I want to see God's glory, like it says in the song. Keith went on to say how anyone who has ever seen God's glory like that was never the same again. "Do you know what standard you'd be called to if God revealed his glory to you like that?" he said. He was not trying to discourage me, just keeping it real. I was having such a tough time with my two blessings of children, I just thought, "if only I could see God's glory like Moses did."

All right, I'm rambling. The revelation is this: God's glory has been revealed to me my whole life, only little by little. I'd be willing to bet a lot of Christians' "born-again" experience was not a Paul of Damascus experience, but many little-by-little experiences. However, once you've had an experience like that, you can't go back to who you used to be and the things you used to do. Just like the song says, "When I climb down this mountain & get back to my life, I won't settle for ordinary things." Everytime God shows me a little bit of his glory, I'm brought further along in my walk, or closer to Him in my walk, rather. And I can't go back to the way I was before.

I think there's a devotional book called From Glory to Glory, & I'm pretty sure there's a song of the same or similar title. I think I finally get it. That was today's revelation.


West Michigan Quilter said...

Congratulations! I'm going to be a greatgrandmom again! My, but you will be busy. Wish we lived closer so I could help (and hold those babies). Hope this one is a girl. Girls are special! And I know what you mean about God's Glory. I feel every day how thankful I am for His guidance and marvel at how He's been with me every step of my life. God Bless. Love, Nana

Denise Bryant said...

I think it's fantastic that you're pregnant again! You will be crazy busy but that's OK. Those little kids will just be best friends. They will grow up fast, enjoy those babies.

I also liked your 2nd part of your blog. I'm struggling with that now, too. How to rationalize our life in America with what I've seen in Africa, how I can live my life for God while I feel like I'm drowning in children. So many questions, but that is the heart that God wants. We don't need to be "there", but striving to be and wanting to be is bringing us closer to Him.

Sarah said...

LOL! Your post made me laugh...it is so true, I'm sure you get all the questions. You need to make a shirt with the first paragraph on it. ;-)

I'm sorry you can't get the Zofran this time around! I hope it isn't as bad as the other times though, and doesn't last as long either. Ice cream. It sustained me through the worst of times. ;-) My only other idea is getting ginger capsules (I have a TON let me know if you want to try some before you buy)...and drinking ginger tea. Those are really my only suggestion...nothing else helped too much.

I think that will be fun to wait to see what the sex is! I might try that too some day...except if it's a girl I will be blown away and think I'll have missed girl-i-fying the nursery and buying the frilly clothes beforehand. Nothing you can't fix, though, after she's here!

Sarah said...

I also meant to comment on the 2nd half too -- I so agree with you...seeing God's glory slowly revealed over time. It is so difficult for my tiny human brain to comprehend God and His glory!! To understand how much He loves us and wants us to know Him and have a relationship with Him. I wish it were easier to "see His glory" and walk more faithfully every day, close to Him. Thanks for a great post...and by the way, Third Day is awesome. I love them. (They are coming to Pittsburgh in...May...I think?? I'll try to find that info for you!)