Thursday, August 27, 2009

Where We've Been

Well, we've basically just spent the entire month of August being sick. That's all. One thing I guess I wasn't prepared for when having children is that when someone gets sick in the household, by the time in circulates through every member living in the household and re-infects the person it started with, initiating the cycle all over again, it's been about a full month.

Keith started it. He suffered with a bronchitis-like cough for three weeks. He refused to go to the doctor, which is just as well. Weeks after Keith got all better, I got it. Bad. After a week I decided to go to the doctor because I wasn't sure about doing Albuterol breathing treatments and taking Robitussin every four hours around the clock while pregnant. Doctor said the breathing treatments were ok, and he gave me zithromax. While the Albuterol always helped, the antibiotics did nothing. I suffered with it for a full two more weeks. In the meantime, the boys both got it. Isaac had these symptoms last year, and his pediatrician mentioned asthma, so I didn't waste any time giving him Albuterol and getting him to the doctor. Turns out, she didn't prescribe anything for him except more Albuterol, which is fine. Josiah got it too, and is still recovering two weeks later. However, at the same time, the boys both got colds, fevers, and diarrhea. The fevers and diarrhea lasted one solid week in the midst of all the runny noses and coughs. The colds they were kind enough to pass on to me and Keith, so all four of us had that to deal with on top of everything.

Finally, though, three full weeks after getting sick, I'm beginning to feel better! So is Isaac. Keith seems to be fine. Josiah is the only one still dealing with a really productive cough and a very runny nose.

Being sick has put my reading on hold. I'm still working on Life, the Universe, and Everything. I also bought Shepherding a Child's Heart and Bringing up Boys. I think I read the first two chapters of Shepherding a Child's Heart, but that's it.

Keith leaves for China soon. I'm already having bad dreams about it and wondering what in the world I'm going to do without him for two weeks.

Isaac and Josiah are as sweet, and as bad, as ever! They love doing puzzles. Josiah is learning new words all the time. I think his latest is "all done." Isaac "reads" certain books to himself, which is adorable. He is such a helper too. He loves to help me with everything. Both of the boys have been given the chore of putting their own dirty clothes in the hamper, which they both love. Josiah has also gotten the knack of throwing things in the garbage, whether they belong there or not. It's such a tremendous blessing and privilege to raise these kids.

I am 33 weeks along in my pregnancy. I am big and uncomfortable, but doing well. It feels like the baby is running out of room in there for sure. I can't wait to have it so I know if it's a boy or a girl. I think Keith and I finally settled on our name choices, but we aren't telling anyone. Also, last time I blogged I think we were working on Josiah's new room. Everything is all done and looks great. I wish we had hardwood floors everywhere. I think that's one of those things I'd have to go back to work to save up for. Not going to happen anytime soon. Now I think I'm going to wait and see if I have a boy or girl to do anything with the nursery because if it's a boy, I don't need to do anything. If it's a girl, I will have to do some painting, but only beneath the chairrail.


Denise Bryant said...

That's terrible that you all got sick. Especially when the mom is sick, everything falls apart. I'm glad you're feeling better now.

West Michigan Quilter said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you've all been sick. I keep meaning to call but we've had out of town company. Thanks so much for the pictures. They are wonderful! I know you'll miss Keith when he goes to China. Wish I were there to help you. Give everyone a hug for me.

Jeremy Samek said...

Wow, sorry you guys were so sick. I don't know exactly when Keith will be in China, but if you would like a babysitter so you can get out by yourself or relax, or want to get together for a playdate, let me know. :-)

Kelly said...

Sounds like you all have had a rough time! When is your due date again?