Friday, October 3, 2008

Another Milestone!

So Josiah is 4 months old, and yesterday he rolled over, back to front, for the first time! He actually did it twice! He's such a big boy! However, for the last two nights he's woke up at 4am and refuses to go back to sleep. This morning I actually gave him a bottle to go back to sleep. This week we cut out his late night feeding, but I think we're going to bring it back again!

Also, yesterday I took the boys to a local gymnasium to check out their infant/toddler tumbling class. It was really cool, and the boys outnumbered the girls, which was something I was worried about. So we're going to sign Isaac up for the winter session beginning in December. He will love it!

I ended up hurting my knee really badly yesterday too. I started running in August, and I've been pushing myself harder & harder week after week to run longer. Last night I ran 27 solid minutes on the treadmill. I felt great! But when I was up with Josiah at 4am this morning, I realized I couldn't bend my knee or put any weight on it (like going up & down stairs, sitting down in & getting up from a chair). I took ibuprofen this morning but it hasn't helped so far. I'm really bummed out because Keith & I were planning on running a 5k next weekend. I don't know what I'm going to do. I really want to do it, but I don't want to do any major damage. I'm really disappointed.

On a positive note though, Isaac is very interested in the potty, and very aware of his bowel & bladder habits. I think he'll be in big kid underwear in no time! I just have to get my act together & figure out how I'm going to potty train him. I'm so overwhelmed as it is!


Kelly said...

Yea! Welcome to the blogging world! I'm so excited you decided to join us, and it will be nice to read all about your journey with your two little boys!

Kelly said...

By the way, I tagged you. That means that you are next to tell 6 random things about yourself, and tag others to join you.