Monday, October 27, 2008

What I've Been Doing Lately

In case you're wondering, I'm no further along in Isaac or Josiah's scrapbooks. Well, I did finally print some pictures. But that's it.

Sidenote, I requested information on having a solar panel installed on our roof a couple of weeks ago. Someone was supposed to call me but never did. Hmmm. I'm going to have to follow up on that.

Josiah was dedicated at church yesterday, so we had all of Keith's family from Michigan at our house all weekend. When my house is packed like that, and the TV is blaring, I think I suffer from sensory overload. I'm more jumpy and anxious. I hate all that noise & disorganization! Ever since having Isaac I like a nice quiet house. No television. I guess that will have to change as my boys get older. There will be fewer and fewer quiet, peaceful moments to enjoy. Anyway, the dedication went smoothly, the food was good, etc.

However, as the afternoon wore on yesterday I grew more and more feverish, achy, and nauseated. I unfortunately had to take a couple of Tylenol and lay down on my bed with all of my guests downstairs because I was afraid I was going to vomit. A couple of hours later I came downstairs and everyone was gone! My friend Jess put away all of the food for me. What an angel. I feel better today, but I do have a cold and body aches. But the fever and nausea are gone.

Right now I'm reading a great book called Hope Rising by Kim Meeder. She and her husband Troy run the Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Oregon, where they not only rescue abused and neglected horses but also minister to troubled youth. The stories are so heartwarming and inspiring. The reason why I became interested in this author is because I was looking for something to encourage my niece in her faith as she is my goddaughter. She loves horses and is taking horseback riding lessons again. I just pray that this book and the stories contained in it fall on fertile ground so to speak. She is fourteen years old and right smack in the middle of the worst puberty has to offer. She knows it all, I'm an adult and therefore I'm stupid, church is boring, etc.

Well, I gotta go feed my youngest. Hopefully next time I'll have some progress to report on the scrapbooking.

Oh, I almost forgot! Isaac peed on the potty for the first time Sat night! Yeah!!!!

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