Thursday, October 9, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I just learned that I've been tagged, and I guess the game is to tell 6 things about myself most people don't know.

1) I've had little career direction in my life. My mom is the one who guided me into dietetics and nutrition. She tried to push me into physical therapy but after shadowing a PT for like a day, I decided I totally hated it. At various times in my life I wanted to be a financial planner, teacher, professional muscian (I played tenor saxophone, but I wasn't that good), doctor, travel agent, and stay-at-home mom (yeah!).

2) I'm on my second marriage. Most people know this, but what no one knows is the reason why I married my first husband in the first place! Here's one reason: I was foolish enough to think that because I grew into a much closer relationship with God as a result of meeting my first husband, that our marriage was meant to be. Summarize no. 2 by saying I've made some pretty dumb mistakes in my life that have cost me a lot.

3) I was raised Lutheran, and I actually enjoyed going to church, but I hated how the hymns sounded like dirges and we repeated the same prayers and responses week after week. It never felt sincere, or heartfelt. It seemed so rehearsed. That's what drew me to Pittsburgh East Full Gospel Church, and eventually Covenant Church of Pittsburgh.

4) My middle name is Marion. That was my grandmother's name. There is a debate, however, as to whether my grandmother's name was Marion Emily, or Emily Marion. So no one is really certain what her first name was.

5) When I was in 8th or 9th grade I was in the preliminary competition for the Junior Miss Dance of Pennsylvania Pageant. It was my first time competing as a soloist, but all of the girls from the dance company I was in always made it into the finals. Not that year! I was the only one who didn't make it as a final contestant, and I cried like a baby! I was at least 13 years old, and I was shattered, embarassed, and utterly demoralized that I was the only one who didn't make it from my dance company.

6) When I was little the other kids, boys and girls alike, on the street would make fun of me because I couldn't spit. My best friend Melissa could spit with the best of them. That's another interesting fact about me. I've only ever had 2 best friends in my life, and they were both named Melissa.

So now, because she's the only other person I know on blogspot that blogs regularly, I'll tag Denise at Bryant Family Blog!

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