Friday, March 13, 2009

Restless in the 'Burgh

I was telling Keith last night how terribly restless I am lately. It's probably cabin fever. I feel like I must have a change of scenery. I'm so bored with the same old same old routine, day after day. I just can't describe it. Along with this feeling comes the same itch I get from time to time for a smaller church. I love CCOP. Bishop Garlington is such a gifted leader, and the worship is second to none, but it's such a huge church. I actually told Keith that I'm in the mood to go back to my old Lutheran church I grew up in. I know I could never go back to a non-Spirit-filled church again, but I'm just craving a more close-knit congregation. I go through this from time to time. We have no intention to leave CCOP. Every now & then I just get so sick of the mega-church. I long for a women's Bible study that meets once a week, or a simple pot-luck dinner or something. I'll go to church on Sunday, it'll be wonderful, and I'll be completely over it. As far as the cabin fever goes, I'm just looking forward to our Orlando vacation coming up in a few weeks!

Isaac & I are sitting here watching Sesame Street. I see so many repeats I can't believe it. I mean, they play shows that they just played last week sometimes! Sesame Street has been on since the 70's or something. How could they ever play the same episode twice?

Here's something really cute about Isaac...he says the Lord's Prayer! Well, I begin each phrase and he finishes it. So adorable, it makes me want to cry!

I thought for sure Josiah would be walking by now, but he isn't. I guess crawling satisfies his need for mobility, so he doesn't have any interest in walking right now. He stands on his own really well, & walks along holding onto furniture, but he won't take one step independently toward anyone or anything. One thing he does do already though, that's really bad & dangerous, is climbs the stairs! Who ever heard of a baby that climbs stairs before he can walk! I really gotta keep my eye on that kid!

I should mention that I had my ultrasound yesterday and it looks like I'm 9 weeks along, which was my first guess. Estimated due date is Oct 11! I was surprised ( I don't know why) at how tiny the baby is! I always got 12 week ultrasounds, & I could see arms & legs and everything! Yesterday I could make out the heart for sure, beating very nicely, and the head & rump, & I think there were legs too, but the arms were just little buds! To be honest, it still had some resemblance to a tadpole! It's amazing to think how much it's going to develop in the next 3-4 weeks!

I've made lots of progress in Atonement over the last couple of days. I think I have just over 100 pages left. Then I'll be onto either the Duggar's book Twenty & Counting, or 1984.


Denise Bryant said...

I can relate to getting tired of the same old routine. We're shaking up that same old routine over here. :) We'll miss being right here in Grand Rapids, too, and not being here when you come back to visit!! wahhhhhh!

A vacation will be really awesome, I'm assuming this is involving Disney World?

We had an ultrasound with Rachel when I was 8 weeks along, and we joked she looked like a little Teddy Graham cracker. :)

I'm sure Josiah will be walking around once it's nice out, totally great for you to have him walking outside instead of crawling in the mud. :)

Denise Bryant said...

Oh, and Meg, thanks for the book ideas! I do love Francine Rivers, too. I'm adding the books you mentioned to my list, if I don't, I'll forget and I'm happy to have more suggestions!

Kelly said...

Totally agree with the restlessness. I couldn't think of the word to describe what I've been feeling the past few weeks, but that fits it perfectly. The same old schedule and happenings day in and day out get so old. I don't think the cold weather is helping either. At least with warm weather, we'll have more options of where to go and what to do.

My mom climbed stairs before she walked, so I don't think that's too uncommon. Josiah must be so much bigger than the last time we saw him, as Isaac must be as well.

I hope the morning sickness eases up soon, as your first trimester is almost over. We have an ultrasound next Thursday, so we'll let you know if it's a boy or a girl.

West Michigan Quilter said...

Don't you think being restless has something to do with this weather too? I'm so sick of winter and cold weather. I'm itching to get out and work in the yard and take walks and get rid of the heavy clothing. Things will get better. You have a vacation coming up, don't you. That should help a lot. Wish I could go with you. Have fun. Love to all. Nana