Tuesday, March 10, 2009


While I'm on the computer I'd better get a post out there!

Ever since we turned the clocks forward, my boys have been sleeping until 8:30-9am! It's so wonderful! I just hope it lasts! I actually wake up before Josiah. Amazing. Only problem is that it makes getting out the door in the morning harder. My moms group starts at 9:30, but I didn't make it until 10:30. Isaac has been doing great going into the nursery and playing with the other kids at moms group. He's gone through a couple of spells where he cries his eyes out & has to sit on my lap the whole time. I'm glad he's doing better now.

After moms group we came home and ate lunch. Then it was the normal routine...put Isaac on the potty, change Josiah's diaper, unload & reload the dishwasher, handwash the bottles, etc. I laid the boys down for their naps and then my mom came over so I could go grocery shopping. First I hit Oakmont Bakery for some bagels for me & a couple doughnuts for Keith for tomorrow. Next I went to Community Market for the big grocery shopping. Lastly, to Walgreen's because I found on Sunday when the boys had their fevers that I was completely out of Children's Tylenol & Motrin! Plus I had to replace a bottle of Children's Benedryl my mom loaned me when Isaac got a hold of some peanut butter and immediately broke out into hives. Also, we needed an adult, oral thermometer. I swore I had a fever too when the boys did, but had no working thermometer to check. Oral thermometer that is.

Sidenote...Isaac doesn't seem to nap at all anymore. I don't know what to do. He napped Fri & Sat, but hasn't napped Sun, Mon, or today. Most weeks are like this, where he'll only nap a few days. I'm so set in my daily routine, I just don't know what I'll do with him all afternoon when he gives up his naps entirely. Josiah definatey still needs and takes morning & afternoon naps.

After putting the groceries away I started dinner. I made simple veggie burritos. It's really hard for me to make grocery lists, shop, & cook lately because I have absolutely no appetite. Nothing is appealing. If it were up to me, my grocery list would consist of crackers, cereal, juice, ice tea, hot tea, fruit, and popsicles. Yep. That would about do it!

Keith came home. We ate dinner, cleaned up, and went to the mall to walk a couple of laps. Keith is really stressed out with work, as usual, so he thought it would help him to get his mind off of work if we got out. It worked! We just talked and talked as we did two laps around the mall.

When we got home from the mall it was bedtime for the boys. I put away the last baskets of clean, folded laundry in the boys' rooms while Keith put their pj's on. Tonight was my turn to put Josiah to bed & Keith to put Isaac to bed. We've got a good system down for bedtime that I'm sure will be completely shaken up when #3 comes along! Anyway, after laying Josiah down I checked my email, briefly logged onto facebook, read a couple of blogs, and decided to post a new one!

Very soon I will have my bedtime snack and go upstairs to get in bed myself! Good night everyone!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Thanks for the post. It seems like you have a good system down. Madi and I have a set schedule too, and I can relate to loving those set nap times. And hooray for Mom's groups. Okay, now I am off to bed as well.