Friday, January 29, 2010

Book #2-So Long and Thanks For All the Fish

Witty, clever, and downright hilarious at times! Douglas Adams' So Long and Thanks For All the Fish just may be my favorite in The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I'm probably going to continue finishing The Guide. Only two more books to go. The next one is extremely short-I feel a little guilty even calling it a book. It's more like a short story...Young Zaphod Plays It Safe. This is followed by Mostly Harmless, which concludes The Guide.

And another potty training blooper...Isaac pooped in his pull-up this morning before he got out of bed. Which is fine as far as I'm concerned, at least he got it out. However, when I picked his pull-up up off of the floor to put it in the trash the poo-poo fell out onto the floor. Maggie (the dog) didn't miss a beat. She promptly went over to it and put it in her mouth to eat it. Luckily, I got her to drop it without difficulty.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You are totally leaving me in the dust along with that stack of books I'm supposed to be reading.