Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So one of the manifestations of Isaac's resistance to potty train is to hold his poop in. Naturally, this leads to some major flatulence.

The scene takes place on the couch in the family room. The Newsboys are playing in the background. Josiah is playing happily. Isaac is laying on his side, under his blanket on the couch, sort of propped up on the arm of the couch.

Isaac: "Mom! Come lay with me."

Me: "I'd love to Isaac."

I lay down on my side on the couch too, with my head laying on Isaac's legs.

Isaac lets a few rip, which causes both of us to giggle uncontrollably. I know I shouldn't, but I just couldn't help myself this time.

Isaac: "I passed of gas!"

Giggling escalates.

Me: "Isaac! No leaving stinkers on mommy's head!"

Isaac: "Oh, I forgot."

More giggling.

There are no typos in this dialogue. Whenever I tried to tell Keith and my mom this story, I couldn't stop laughing long enough to get the words out.


Kelly said...

Oh, the fun of boys! Can't wait for Luke to get older. Lol. Hope things are going better and that everyone is feeling better.

West Michigan Quilter said...

All men are alike no matter what their age. You gotta love em.