Friday, January 22, 2010


Took all the kids to the dr yesterday. Isaac continues to need breathing treatments 3-4x per day. Josiah and Elizabeth were both wheezing, so I got them checked out. Both of their lungs were junky, so they both need breathing treatments as well now. Elizabeth has it worse, requiring them every 3 hours. Josiah, however, has an ear infection on top of everything else. And now, Isaac has officially constipated himself. He was screaming every 15 min or so throughout the night trying to hold it in. Lots of juice, water, fluids in general, and Miralax are in order today.

Naturally Keith isn't deal well with any of this, especially not with Isaac refusing to poop.

On a very happy note, Josiah is putting 2-3 words together to make little sentences like, "Thank you Isaac," and "Daddy at work." He can also sing Happy Birthday and is beginning to sing the ABC song. He's such a wonderful boy. He's starting to learn to drink from regular cups too, not sippies. He's been doing well with forks and spoons for a while.

Elizabeth has slept through the night, from about 9:30pm-8am, 4 nights in a row now in spite of how sick she is. She remains a very happy little baby, quite chatty and smiley!

Lastly, even though Isaac can't seem to let his poop out, he is learning his numbers fairly well. I'm using a clock, because he became very interested in telling time. Great way to learn 1-12. I also caught him talking to his bulldozer yesterday. He said, "You got Newsboys in there? Yeah? Aw, what happened to your truck? Did you hurt it? Aww." It was adorable. I also subscribed to this Highlights magazine for kids 1-5 called Highlights High Five. He loves it. We learned that on the website Isaac can listen to stories online. Now he knows how to point and click with the mouse. It's adorable.

Something I never mentioned...while we were in Michigan for Christmas Wella gave me some little board books for Elizabeth, one of which was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Isaac proceeded to pick this book up and make up his own story to it, which he called "Going Away Star." He sat on the couch with Aunt M one morning and recited this story to her 3 times in a row. Never caught what he was saying but I thought if he would just say it one more time, I'd record it on my phone, type it out and frame it as his first composition. Do you think he'd ever do it again for me though? Nope! All I caught of the story was something about not wanting to go to bed, but it's time for bed, etc. Oh well.

Isaac is screaming his head off in the bathroom right now trying to poop.

When Keith comes home and asks what I did today, sometimes I simply tell him that I kept from going insane. If I can refrain from putting my fist through a wall, or throwing a chair through a window, then I've accomplished something great. Today is one such day. And it's only about 10am.


Denise Bryant said...

Sorry you're having a yucky day. Fun to hear about what each kid is doing. I hope their breathing treatments help them.

When Rachel was constipated, we had to use suppositories (sp?). Gross, but sure did the trick. I will have to say that she was 1 then and she'd be completely embarrassed that I told you that!!

Kelly said...

Oh, Megan! I have those days too. Hang in there. Call me if you need to vent or meltdown. I'm glad you are at least getting sleep, except for Isaac's pooping issues. We had a number of months pumping prune juice into Madi. Ask Keith for a ten minute break once he gets home and go lay down with a pillow over your ears. And don't come down no matter how loud the crying gets. Ten minutes can make or break you sometimes. I'll say a prayer for you as I have totally been there many many times.

West Michigan Quilter said...

I have to laugh. As a Grandmother hundreds of miles away, I can do that. I do feel for you. My heart goes out to you and I wish we were closer so I could help. You will be laughing some day when you look back on all this. Take care. Hugs.