There was definitely an argument over whether or not we should pay Sears to install it for us. I know that Keith is very handy and capable of doing such things, but it takes up his time. In my opinion, his time, especially when he's off from work and supposed to be enjoying time with me and the boys, is priceless. However, Sears wanted $130 for installation. So much for Keith's time. Naturally, it took longer and was more complicated than expected, requiring not one, but two trips to the hardware store. Finally, though, it was in and ready to go!
My favorite thing about the new dishwasher is how quiet it is. Our old one was so loud (due to the fact that the motor was frying) that you couldn't hear yourself think if you were in the kitchen while it was running. Forget having a conversation, or watching a movie in the family room while it was on. Impossible!
While Keith was installing the dishwasher, my sister Kristin called to let me know my Pittsburgh Zoo membership came in the mail! This was her Christmas gift to us. Right after dinner I went to her house to pick it up, because they were calling for beautiful weather on Saturday. Then, after the boys went to bed Friday night, Keith & I drank herbal tea and watched the movie Amazing Grace. This is a most excellent film about William Wilberforce, the British politician who worked tirelessly for the abolition of the slave trade in Great Britain. It was a wonderful, uplifting, inspiring flick, and only 1 hr. 50 min. long!
Sure enough, it was beautiful on Saturday. The temperature was well into the 60's. We loaded the boys into the truck & headed for the zoo! We had light jackets on the boys, and baseball caps to keep their faces from getting sunburned, but Keith & I were walking around with just sweatshirts on! It was a great day. The only bad thing was that everyone in the tri-state area also decided to go to the zoo that day, and I do not like big crowds, especially not with a big double stroller to push around. We made the most of it, though. Now that we have a membership we can go anytime we want, so the things we didn't get to spend very much time on we'll be able to go back & see again shortly.
After the zoo we went straight to my parents' house because my mom was making beef stew. I don't know what it was about her stew that night, but it sure hit the spot! While the stew was still cooking my parents watched Amazing Grace. After dinner we watched 24: Redemption. It was fantastic! Can't wait for the new season to start in January!
On Sunday Keith was feeling a little under the weather. It was my turn to volunteer in the nursery at church, though, so Isaac and I went together by ourselves. Josiah stayed home to take his morning nap since Keith would be home with him. I don't think we did much else that day. Since Keith was home, he made a delicious pork butt roast for pulled pork burritos (one of my personal favorite dishes!). I sorted laundry, and started a few loads. Same old, same old.
On Monday Keith was back to work, and it was back to life as usual for me with boys. This is going to come out the wrong way, but sometimes it's easier when Keith is at work and it's just me with boys. I guess it's just what I'm used to. It's my routine. He has his routine, I have mine. Mondays are laundry days, and I had plenty to do. I'm proud to say that I got it all done too! It was leftovers for dinner. And this night, after the boys went to bed, we watched Prince Caspian, which was one of my Christmas presents! We both decided it was a great movie, but that we had to go back and read the book again because we could barely remember a thing! Also, we had heard that the Biblical references in this movie were even more pronounced than in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. However, we don't agree. We hardly recognized any glaring Biblical references at all. I also want to add that Disney always has to ruin almost every movie they make by having a romance going on in it. I'm going to assume, since it's already out on DVD, that most readers have seen this movie already. If you haven't, then skip to the next paragraph right now. I found it so irritating that Susan gives Prince Caspian a kiss on the lips good-bye, and they embrace, at the end. I fully admit that I need to re-read the book, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't in it! Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
Tuesday, yesterday, I was very irritable for some reason. I assume it's because I didn't get much sleep after going to bed so late (because we were watching Prince Caspian) and because Josiah did his thing at 5am again. I think I made the most of it though. I actually completed two pages in Isaac's scrapbook! Last night after dinner we headed to the mall to do some walking and to let Isaac play at the PBS Kids play area. For some reason, though, Isaac wasn't feelin' the play area, so we went to Petland instead to check out the animals. This he loved, and we let him walk around until we got in the truck, rather than putting him back in the stroller, so that he could burn up some energy!
This is New Year's Eve! I've got a stuffed turkey roasting as I type. Only have to prepare the green bean casserole and we ready to go. I want to add that I went to the grocery store to pick up "a few things" for tonight and tomorrow, and my bill came to $71.09! What!!!??? I am shocked and discouraged by the cost of groceries anymore. I did have to buy a couple more expensive items, like AAA batteries and Arm & Hammer Pet Odor carpet stuff, but $70! Come on!!! It's discouraging because we're really trying hard to stick to a budget, and have been ever since I stopped working. Oh well, guess I still have a lot to learn about spending less.
Anyway, tonight we're looking forward to having our friends, Jess & Phil, and their 4-year-old daughter, Jenna, over. We plan to have a nice turkey dinner, some sweets and popcorn, and wine of course! Hopefully we'll get a movie in too! Right now we have You Don't Mess With the Zohan with Adam Sandler. Looking forward to it!
Come back tomorrow for my New Year's resolutions! Ha! This oughta be good!